Major reference works by FŐMTERV Zrt. in the past years in a breakdown by building trade, with the main details of facilities.

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Company information brochures of FŐMTERV Zrt. and information material on some of its major facilities from 1972 to date. All issues to date of the internal magazine of the company, FŐMTERV Híradó (FŐMTERV News Bulletin) are available.
Főmterv was established in 1950 and has successfully combined the values of many years of experience and engineering tradition with the ability of continuous technical renewal and adaptation to changing markets in the past more than six decades. Our corporate culture based on traditions has made it a natural requirement for all young new hires to think comprehensively and have a comprehension of the whole design process. An accomplished, competent and experienced specialist staff in all fields is a key factor of successful projects.